Reddit exposes all their subreddits (and just about everything else too), to public RSS feeds. This means you can do all sorts of fun automation with it.
Here's a quick recipe to get it up and running on standard shared LAMP hosting, such as you might have for a WordPress.
[ DISCLAIMER ] - it is against Reddit terms of service to monetize these feeds in any way, although you can apply for licenses to do it. This type of service is intended as a convenience.
Your PHP file:
This takes a single string from the ajax request, representing the subreddit you want to retrieve. >
$response = new stdClass();
$response->success = false;
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$obj = json_decode($json);
if( $obj ){
$feed_url = '' . $obj->feed . '.rss';
$xml = simplexml_load_file( $feed_url ) or die("Error: Cannot create object");
$response->data = $xml;
$response->success = true;
echo json_encode( $response );
And, your javascript file:
This is just two big functions
One to send the request, fetch
and one to render the response to a div of your choice add_xml_entry
const siteURL = 'YOURSITE-URL'
function fetch_subreddit( subreddit ){
fetch( siteURL + '/YOUR-PHP-SCRIPT.php', {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
feed: subreddit
.then( res =>{
.then( r =>{
if( r.success ){
for( const entry of ){
add_xml_entry( entry )
console.log('failed to parse')
.catch( error =>{
console.log( error )
.catch( err =>{
console.log( err )
function add_xml_entry( entry ){
const entry = document.createElement('div')
entry.innerHTML += `<div class="rss-title">${ entry.title }</div>`
const hidden_content = document.createElement('div')
hidden_content.innerHTML += `${ JSON.stringify(}<br>`
hidden_content.innerHTML += entry.content
entry.appendChild( hidden_content )
document.getElementById('YOUR-DISPLAY-ELEMENT').appendChild( div )
// run it !
// fetch_subreddit( 'gamedev' )